“Working in the ICU, when you see [death and dying] on a regular basis, I think it just makes you all that more intentional about how you live your life.”
Deborah Szeto
This episode is part of a Breathing Wind miniseries titled Embrace Death, Live Life, hosted by Deborah Szeto. The Embrace Death, Live Life miniseries explores the work of palliative care in healing and how we can live fuller lives while embracing and normalizing death.
How might we begin to demystify death for each other and live fully alongside it? In this episode, Deborah Szeto, ICU and palliative care nurse, and Breathing Wind producer, Sarah Davis, talk about Deborah’s background, her passion for having important conversations, and how she has shifted her perspective since being an ICU and palliative care nurse.
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Deborah and Sarah talk about:
How Deborah became interested in palliative care
What palliative care is and how it’s misunderstood by patients and many physicians
How difficult and yet important it is to have conversations about death and dying
How Deborah’s life has taken on a different path after witnessing death
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